Caravan toilet cassette

Picture of a caravan toilet cassette Elsan point for emptying waste

How to empty your caravan toilet cassette

Discovering how to empty your caravan toilet cassette is one of the first things you’ll learn as a touring caravan owner.

If you are pitching up on a campsite with the luxury of on-site toilets, there will still be occasions when your caravan toilet comes in handy. You’ll also need your on-board toilet for campsites without facilities or if you aim to camp off-grid.

This means getting to know how to empty the waste tank or cassette.

Before we explain the process, here’s some general information about where to dispose of your waste and the implications of using chemicals in your cassette.

Toilet waste is known as black water, while greywater refers to waste from sinks and showers.

Unless you use a SOG system, you’ll add blue or green chemicals to the cassette to help break down solids and manage odours. You may also keep the toilet bowl clean by adding a pink additive to the water flush tank. You’ll find more information about toilet systems and chemicals in our article titled ‘Caravan toilets’.

Chemical toilet waste should ONLY be emptied at a Chemical Disposal Point (CDP), Elsan or black water disposal point — not a greywater disposal point. 

Legally, you can empty chemical waste into your home toilet, but the chemicals can damage plastic pipes and seals. However, it would help if you never disposed of chemical waste in a public toilet facility. Most public toilets feed into small sewage systems that cannot cope with chemical black water.

The good news is that all certified campsites have a Chemical Disposal Point, regardless of whether they have on-site toilet facilities.

So now you know where to dispose of your toilet waste, here’s the procedure:

Top Tip! Empty your caravan toilet cassette when it’s two-thirds full, as this helps the chemicals break the solids down more effectively and makes the cassette easier to transport.

Step 1

Access the cassette



Ensure the waste lever or blade on your toilet is closed. Then, open the cassette locker door or access flap outside your caravan. The flap is usually on the same side as the bathroom window. 

Top Tip! Wear disposable latex or nitrile gloves to protect your hands from waste chemicals, toxins or bacteria. Avoid wearing your reusable washing-up gloves, as this can lead to cross-contamination.

Step 2

Undo the lock and slide out the caravan toilet cassette


Picture showing a caravan toilet cassette being removed


The cassette attaches to the toilet by a lock mechanism, which prevents it from sliding out accidentally. Depending on the manufacturer, lift the orange lever, push a button or turn a knob to release the cassette.

Step 3

Gently agitate the contents

Tilt or shake the cassette to agitate the contents. This helps to mix chemicals and waste, reduces odours, and makes the contents easier to pour.

Step 4

Carry the cassette to the waste point

You can carry the cassette or use the built-in handle and wheels. Waste points are typically marked with a sign saying Elsan Point, Elsan Tipping Point or Chemical Disposal Point. Ensure you don’t go to a greywater disposal point by mistake.

Step 5

Empty the cassette

First, swivel the orange outlet pipe 90 degrees, then:

  • press the orange vent button on the top of the cassette to purge the air
  • unscrew the outlet pipe cap
  • add a little fresh water to the cassette via the outlet pipe
  • screw the cap back on
  • jiggle the cassette to swirl the water
  • press the vent button again
  • unscrew the outlet pipe cap
  • pour the contents down the Elsan drain

Repeat the process three or four times until the content flows clear. 

Top Tip: Place the outlet cap safely away from the Elsan drain to prevent accidental knocking into the inlet.


Step 6

Add blue or green cassette toilet chemical


Cassette toilet chemical choices image

If your toilet doesn’t have an SOG system fitted, you can add blue or green chemicals through the outlet pipe to control odours and break down the waste.

First, add fresh water to the cassette. You only need to fill the cassette by about 10mm or half an inch. Then, add the chemical in the dosage recommended on the packaging. Now, screw the outlet cap back on, swivel the outlet pipe back into place and carry the tank back to the caravan.

Top Tip! Budget-priced chemicals may look good value but often need double-dosing to work effectively. Well-known brands like Aqua Kem or Elsan are typically more concentrated and perform better.

Step 7

Refit the cassette

Guide the caravan toilet cassette slowly back into the locker. Then, push the locking lever down until it clicks into place. Alternatively, activate a lock button or screw cap if fitted instead.

Finally, close the access flap, and you are ready to go.

